About Carrie Hart

In case you are not familiar with me and my work, I have included the story of my spiritual journey below. As you will see, I have been sharing this journey for many years; I hope you will join me in walking through the doors I see opening now!

I have called myself a variety of things: Mindfulness Coach, Spiritual Explorer & Guide, Mystic, Shaman and Energy Healer.  To me, it’s all the same thing and has the same purpose: I study, explore, personally experience and then teach how to use the Mind-Body-Spirit connection to create a joyful life of health, prosperity, fulfilment and love.

I am also a speaker and a singer/songwriter with two albums of original music and the author of five books, including A Call to Greatness, the Exciting, Joyous Journey Your Soul Wants You to Take.

I created this unique website, PowerAnimalsUnleashed.com, as a place where you can meet the power animals who will be there with you through the events and transitions of your life. I have been privileged to bring spiritual wisdom and healing power to thousands of people for over 20 years.

I actually began my spiritual explorations while I was still in the corporate world, where I was a Vice President at a Fortune 50 company. I would get up before dawn, get my message from Spirit and then drive the LA freeways to work. All of this gave me a unique opportunity to develop highly practical approaches to spirituality.  And the Power Animals helped me get through many a difficult business meeting!

Below you will find my point of view and my story, the journey that led me here.

About Me and My Spiritual Journey

I was raised in a non-religious family and for the majority of my life, had no particular interest in spiritual exploration. Yet Spirit came to me, unbidden.

One day I found myself in a bookstore, walking down the Religion & Spirituality aisle I had always avoided. My hand reached out to a book called You Are Psychic!, by Pete Sanders. I immediately sat down on the floor, right there in the aisle, and started reading. Finally, I realized I needed to read this book, bought it, took it home and devoured it in one sitting. And thus began my adventure into Spirit, as I tried out the exercises and discovered a latent talent for intuitive hearing, the ability to ask a question and have the answer come in words inside my head.

I began to sit in the garden every morning, ask questions and get answers from what I called “my angels.” I then started getting messages for my girlfriends, and found that they contained great advice with a new perspective I had never had. And one day in 1995, while seeking advice for a friend in trouble, the answer came in a voice with more gravitas. I asked who was speaking and got the answer: “I am Quado.” And now my spiritual journey began in earnest.

The Quado Messages

I began getting up at 4 AM every day to receive and post my daily conversations with Quado out on my website before going to work. I would wrap a blanket around me, grab my journal and go sit on a stone bench surrounded by a white azaleas. I loved listening to the birds wake up the world just as the sky brightened. And I continued to do this for years.

I am delighted to say that thousands of people in countries all over the world have read the Quado messages. Other people received my messages, translated them into many languages and spread them further–including a book publisher in Romania. I love knowing that these gentle and loving words have traveled all over the earth. I have also heard from many people that Quado has become a part of their lives, a quiet voice they can access directly, which also pleases me enormously.

At some point I moved from creating a Daily Quado message to a Weekly Quado message. And then, for quite a number of years, I provided Quado messages via my website, www.Quado.com. I regret to say that the Quado site was recently rendered non-functional by a server technical upgrade. I hope to find the time to rebuild it one of these days!

In the meantime, you will find some of the Quado-dictated Guided Meditations on the Meditation Page of the Carrie Hart website.  They are very relaxing and, like everything from Quado, full of love.

Spiritual Healing and Running Wolf

In 2001, one of the Quado readers wrote and asked me to do a spiritual healing. I was about to say that I did not do this, when a powerful Native American shaman named Running Wolf appeared in my mind and began to heal her. Here’s what she had to say after the session:

“Thank you, Carrie! How can I adequately put into words what your healing work has done for me? Working with you and Quado and Running Wolf has enabled me to take great strides on my path of self realization and growth. You spoke to my soul with a truth I have never experienced before.” Denise

I might mention that I had no knowledge of shamans before one appeared in my mind, just as I had never heard of channeling before I started doing it.

I have since learned that a shaman is someone who has the ability to enter an altered state of consciousness at will, in order to seek power for healing and good outcomes, both personal and for others. The shaman can move back and forth between the worlds of ordinary reality and non-ordinary reality and is focused on the practical usage of spiritual power for the enhancement of existence here on earth.

Shamanism is not a religion; it is a methodology for accessing Spirit and reaching deep truth. Like the mystics of various religions, the shaman depends upon first-hand experience, knowing that truly significant knowledge of the deepest and widest can only be obtained by journeying into Spirit.

Since that time, I have performed hundreds of remote spiritual sessions, first as an apprentice to Running Wolf, and then as a full shaman. The sessions began with the shaman techniques of power animal retrievals and soul retrievals; then they expanded to contain whatever Spirit brings to us at the time.

Running Wolf and the Full Moon

I often perform ceremonies and journeys under the Full Moon, in which Running Wolf and the power animals send us healing, empowering energies and wise messages. Please sign up for my newsletter (at the bottom of this page), if you would like to learn about these. They are audio sessions on a conference call, accessible from all over the world.

Buddha, Jesus and Reiki

In June, 2002, I went to England to complete my studies in Reiki, which is an energy healing modality. I knelt on the grass in the center of Stonehenge, one of twenty, kneeling in a circle within the stone circle, there to receive my initiation as a Reiki Master. I closed my eyes, and the ceremony began.

I saw a golden ball floating in the air above us, in the very center of the circle. Within it was a young and beautiful Buddha, sitting in the lotus position, one hand raised in blessing, glowing golden and showering his radiant energy down upon us all. (I have since learned that this position is the Amoghasiddhi Buddha, symbolizing freedom from fear.)

I then saw Jesus moving among us, in a robe of blue and white, weaving through the kneeling initiates, touching us and blessing us, one by one. When he touched me, I felt the most pure and intense love I have ever experienced.

The peace and love I felt in that moment has never completely left me. For years after, I sensed Jesus standing beside me, his right hand on my left shoulder.

I found this first experience with Jesus to be very surprising. Since I was not raised in a religious household, I had never formed a Christian connection with Jesus. As with the other aspects of my spiritual journey, I had not gone seeking, but had in fact been found. A Hindu friend subsequently told me that this experience of grace, of receiving unconditional love through the touch of a master, would be called Shaktipat in that religious view.

When I went to Maui for my attunement as a Karuna Reiki Master, I experienced a series of encounters with Jesus. My description of these visions are in the Maui Papers, included in my book, A Call to Greatness, the Exciting, Joyous Journey Your Soul Wants You to Take, along with a more in-depth exploration of my entire journey.

I still work with Jesus, both through my private Pathfinder Sessions and when I feel moved to hold a special event, normally on a solstice or equinox. We feel and see his presence, always with a wide opening of the heart to forgiveness and compassion. Angels may also join us. Evangaline is one angel who often appears to help clear away the debris of the past and the fear of the future. Maria is another who helps us accept transforming energies. There is so much help for us, so many who love us deeply.

“I feel very blessed by our session! It shifted events this week in a miraculous way!” Tanya

Please sign up for my newsletter (at the bottom of this page), if you would like to learn about my special events. They are audio sessions on a conference call, accessible from all over the world.

Deeper into Meditation and Sound

I had the great privilege of studying meditation with Deepak Chopra, spending a week deeply immersed in Primordial Sound meditation, silently repeating my personal mantra. I also studied his advanced techniques, the use of Sutras associated with each Chakra, as well as obtaining your own personal Sanskrit mantra. This was a life-altering experience and one that I am delighted to share with others.

I have since taught various forms of meditation, including group chanting, Japa meditation and a Zen technique to quiet the mind. There are so many forms of meditation, including the hundreds of guided meditations I have shared as I received them directly from Spirit.

In 2015, I studied Sound Healing, which added a wonderful dimension to my meditations and private healing sessions. This training enabled me to bring it all together, using voice, crystal bowls, tuning forks, rattles and drums, in individual practice and drumming circles, now understanding the scientific basis of how the shaman drumming induces a meditative state in the brain.

And now, of course, there are more and more studies about how meditation and mindful living promotes mental, emotional and physical health. I knew it!


One of the most wonderful things that I ever did was create the Ultimate Quantum Leap Retreat at Terranea, a magical resort on the Palos Verdes Peninsula overlooking the Pacific Ocean, only 15 minutes from my home.

Imagine, just you and I, dipping deeply into who you are as pure Spirit for three full transformational days. We drench ourselves in wisdom. We access the truth that wants to be spoken. We uncover the hidden depths that wish to come forward and reveal themselves.

What a luxury! And yes, it was just as amazing as it sounds!  Perhaps I will offer it again when we are past the pandemic.

In 2016, I also focused on clearing and manifestation energy techniques, including EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). Want to know what I manifested? Pennsylvania!


My husband, Ed, and I moved from Los Angeles to the wilds of Western Pennsylvania in June, 2017. What a beautiful place!

The spiritual community in small-town rural Pennsylvania is a work in progress, I must say, but I jumped right in.  I offered classes at the SoL Wellness Center, gave a series of talks, “A Journey to Joy,” at the Lakeview Lodge in Treasure Lake and held drum circles on our lawn, down by the lake.

And then, I surprised myself by jumping into the rough and tumble world of politics.  I had gone from a Democratic stronghold (California) to a swing state and I thought I’d see if I could actually make a difference.  I had a key role in the campaign of a Democratic candidate for Congress and became a member of the PADEMS State Committee.  I also updated my Earth Survival Guide 2020 to focus on the rise of the GRABs and wrote a song called “Lock Him Up!”  I think the title says it all.

Ed and I had a home on Treasure Lake--the picture to the right is the view of our cove from our deck.  We loved kayaking in the summer.  But I must say, as Californians, we were absolutely shocked by winter!  Before the move, I bought cute little camel-colored suede boots with fringe to wear in Pennsylvania.  After I discovered what it was really like, I bought high faux-fur-lined boots with cleats on the bottom!  (I never did wear those fringed suede boots…)

Life Changes Suddenly

On December 5, 2019, Ed, my loving husband for 45 years, had a sudden heart attack and died instantly. 

I went to California to be with family during the holidays, and while I was here, I leased an apartment–in Palos Verdes Estates, on the same street where Ed and I used to live, as it turns out.  And that is where I am now.

I can feel Ed with me now–I recognize his essence, but it is different.  Ed was never a spiritual explorer–he was a mathematician and philosopher at heart.  And I mean abstract mathematics, that really weird stuff about imaginary numbers, topology and the like.  He would buy books full of symbols and numbers.  One night, as we both lay in bed reading, he decided he just had to read aloud excerpts from Bertrand Russel’s Principia Mathematica because of the compelling discussion on the Meaning of the Number One.

So it came as no great surprise that shorty after Ed’s consciousness left his body, I sensed him as a subtle high presence surrounded by symbols and numbers, at one with the creative equations of the universe–understood and understanding at last.  And then, over time, I realized I could ask him to send down a column of love to surround and support me–and so he did.  Not long after, I sensed that my father’s consciousness was sometimes joining Ed’s, blending into a warm, subtle hug.

Hi Ed.  I love you.  Hi Daddy.  I love you, too.

And Now…

I am back in Southern California for these strange pandemic times.  Like so many of you, I am assessing my direction and next steps.

I’m certain that in these times, as in others, we will find a way to step upon our path and live a vibrant, loving and joyful life, shining out as brightly as we can with all of the wonder that we are.

For after all, that is why we’re here, isn’t it?

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